Upcoming events

Click on the link above to see the author being interviewed about her book 'Open To Love' by Rowan Hand on RTE's Nationwide (February 13th 2012).
10% of the profits from sales are being tithed by the author to the neonatal unit of Our Lady's Hospital for sick children, Crumlin.

Check out RTE iWitness documentary on the author on February 14,2015

If you have enjoyed the poetry readings I would welcome any feedback you may have.

Poetry Reading Videos

On Visiting the Abbey

Reading 'Earthly Kingdom' at Peddlers Lake, Conor Pass.

Reading the poem 'May You Come To Be' from her new book 'A Gift of Love'

Norah reading from her book 'Open to Love'

'On Awakening...Begin'

'Be Grateful'

'Mother Nature'

Journey with joy to the mountain

The Energy of Love

Harvest Thanksgiving

A Message to the Vatican

A question and message was sent vibrationally in poetic-form in 2012
 2013 was a year of wondrous events.

Just for Today