Firstly I acknowledge the gift of Divine inspiration which I received when writing these poems, particularly the Meditational / Spiritual poems, most of the poems flowed as easily from me as if I myself was reading them from a book. I also wish to acknowledge the immense pool of Love in my life that keeps me grounded and uplifted. I truly believe that Love is as necessary to the Soul as oxygen or "Breath of Life" is to the Body.
Here are some poems from my book 'A gift of Love'.
Just for today
Just for today do not worry
take time to ponder
do not hurry.
Just for today be yourself
leave your worries and woes
on the shelf.
Just for today be humble
let no circumstance
your ground-space rumble.
Just for today be grateful
in all small things
let your heart be faithful.
Just for today do not anger
let no circumstance
cause you ire or rancour.
Just for today honour unity
honour yourself, your family,
your community.
Just for today be at ease...
attune to the birds and the breeze
take this as you please.
Just for today be happy to just be
breathe the magic of flow
be at one with the sea.
Just for day at a time
learn to flow with nature's
rhythm and rhyme.
Just for today have fun and play
then reverently pray
in thanksgiving...just for today.
Journey into Spirit
Take your Spirit Guide by the hand
slip into mysterious Land
skipping lightly barely touching ground
until your fledgling wings you've found...
Float on streams ethereal-breath of Life
feel the lightness in freedom-flight
allow gladness fill your heart with joy
as you float beneath Celestial Sky...
Float on streams ethereal-breath of Life
feel the lightness in freedom-flight
allow gladness fill your heart with joy
as you float beneath Celestial Sky...
Take in all the beauty wild
of Nature's splendour...pure Nature-Child
breathe in deeply...healing rarefied air
abundant Love wafting there.
Embrace your
with primal Love-Source intersect
rest in Love.....breathe in Peace
all cares and worries now release...
Let tranquility flood your Human-Being
intuit Body-Mind-Spirit...Absolute...freeing
gently return in Blest-Renewed state
in Love and Light...your Spirit awaits.
Let tranquility flood your Human-Being
intuit Body-Mind-Spirit...Absolute...freeing
gently return in Blest-Renewed state
in Love and Light...your Spirit awaits.
Step on the path
Step on the path where Angels thread
step on the path to guidance
move into streams of consciousness
watch the Sky-dance.
Close your eyes...see the pathway
close your ears...listen in
await to hear...Divine voice saying
rejoice and welcome...come within.
Take a moment there to wander
just one moment following
regard your journey as it meanders
curving back within again.
Be still in Silent Real-Awareness
stay still and sense the Love within
feel the Vibrance...Absolute-Essence
Holistic...Healing Yang and Yin.
Allow your Spirit rest at-Onement
absorb the Love that abounds
suffused in knowledge of Pure-Wisdom
hear the Silence...Primordial Sound.
Tune in to Vibrational-Spirit
let your healing heart-strings thrum
feel body light with Grace and Blessings
quivering with your own Soul-Song.
Ancient Woods
Just stroll down to the Ancient Wood
view the meandering murmuring brook
hear the song of the whispering Trees
thrumming on silent communing breeze.
Just stray onto the path of Love
gaze on wild flowers hear the dove
finger-tip the waters of the Sacred Spring silence in the Holy Ring.
Feel the energy of the stones
their familiar solidity in your bones ancient lore
retrieve Life's wisdom from before...
Stay still in silence...hear the hush
from eons back shhh...just shush.....
Art Copyright © Electra Kyriazis
The cover photograph is a copy of an original painting entitled 'Nature Child' by the supremely talented artist Electra Kyriazis which was inspired by her reading of my first book of poetry 'Open to Love'. Electra kindly donated this painting at the book launch which was a fundraising event for my chosen charity and which we decided not to raffle, but to gift to Our Lady's Hospital for sick children so that the children may continue to enjoy and benefit from its beauty.
The depiction of a nature child meditating while basking in the outdoors under the Tree of Life open to the healing vibrations and rhythms of nature, radiating a state of inner peace and bliss is a very potent symbol of the Art of Healing.
The depiction of a nature child meditating while basking in the outdoors under the Tree of Life open to the healing vibrations and rhythms of nature, radiating a state of inner peace and bliss is a very potent symbol of the Art of Healing.